All Saints Christmas 2019All Saints Church Christmas Eve scene for Lifetime Channel movie 2019.Advent Service(2019) All Saints Church prepared for a Christmas Eve scene in the locally shot production of a Lifetime Channel movie scheduled for broadcast on November 28, 2019.
Prof. Thomas Meyer (center back) and Southeastern Louisiana State University students (L-R back) Akil Brown, Sawyer Benson, Seth Oufnac, and (L-R front) Joshua Wooley, Caleb Borelly, Tarez Cowser, and Randy Vicknair read lessons from the Bible during a special Advent service of Lessons and Carols.
All Saints hosts ECW Fall Board meeting 2022
All Saints Family
All Saints MusiciansMarilyn O’Leary The All Saints ChoirReverend G. Nelson TennisonBaptism with Fr. TennisonTour During The Strawberry FestivalRow 1 Left Above: (L-R) Music Director and organist Mark Square, cellist Vasyl Kuvaskov and violinist Marta Tarianska provide instrumental preludes and accompaniment during worship services. Besides a classical prelude, they lead the hymns and sang responses to support the lessons of the day presented by the Rev. G. Nelson Tennison.
Row 1 Middle Above: Parishioner Marilyn O’Leary shares her interest in the history of All Saints Episcopal Church during a third Sunday educational session.
Row 1 Right Above: Everyone is welcome to participate in the All Saints Choir, led by Mark Square. Dedication of the memorial garden. Building the Memorial GardenTeddybear Tea
Planting Azaleas, Replacing Shrubs, and sprucing up the grounds with volunteer members Marilyn O’Leary, Joe Meyers, Jim Dinser, Karla Billiot, and Jack Pointer.
Our Church – Sanctuary Windows
Sanctuary windows were given to the greater glory of God and in loving memory of Frank D. Burns, J.W. Chastant Sr. Family, and C. Paul Phelps.
Picnic on the River 2018
Blessing Of The Animals
The Blessing of the Animals in September.
Each year on the Saturday morning closest to the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, pet parents from throughout the community are welcome to bring their beloved animals for a special blessing. All Saints Church, Dec 8, 2017, taken by Heather Perrin